Why Pledge?

This is where we move from good intentions to action. Change happens one pledge at a time.
As we embody the LRK principles we can turn the tide. This is a movement that uses Love, Respect and Kindness to combat polarization. This is a first step to helping our communities be better, to help our families be better.

Take The LRK Pledge

By signing this pledge, you’re taking a stand for a more compassionate world. Pass it on. Share it widely. Display it proudly. This pledge serves as a reminder that #LoveRespectKindness can transform our society. Together, we can make a difference.

  1. I will see value in ALL people
  2. I will acknowledge that a person is more than their political opinions and should be treated with LRK, even when I disagree with them
  3. I will be part of the solution by embodying LRK in my in-person and online interactions
  4. I will live LRK