Who We Are
LRK is sponsored by Live Faith First. We are a non-profit organization that takes societal unity seriously. We are founded on Christian principles, and much of our work is devoted to spreading love and kindness. When larger societal division happens, we point people to a more healthy way of responding.

We desire for all to thrive. We believe each human has dignity and deserves an opportunity to thrive. When we live with Love, Respect and Kindness our entire community has the best opportunity to thrive.
Because our mental, emotional and physical health are at stake. Because our community and nation are deeply affected by contempt and LRK is an antidote to those attitudes.
Based on the past few elections, here’s what our election cycles do to us:
- Depression increases 52%
- Anxiety increases 78%
- 55% of Americans feel angry about politics
- 65% of American feel exhausted by politics
- 23% of Americans think violence is the solution to getting the nation back on-track again
Why LRK? Because we need to back away from the cliff of negative emotional and mental effects and the threat of violence.
When we replace contempt with LRK our mental and emotional state can improve. Violence does not happen when we’re living LRK toward everybody. Polarization and contempt can not co-exist with LRK.
Is this partisan?
No, this is completely non-partisan. As an organization, we take no sides. We encourage everybody to treat one another with Love, Respect, and Kindness no matter their political affiliations.
Is somebody making money off of LRK?
No. All of the resources here have been donated by various organizations. We believe our society will be better if we live LRK. Nobody’s getting rich from you living Love, Respect and Kindness. But all our lives are better if you do.
Do you encourage participation in civic life?
Yes. We have all been given an opportunity to participate in civic life through voting and advocacy. We encourage you to find a cause in your local community and volunteer your time to serve others. Let’s use our civic service opportunity as a chance to serve others, not just ourselves.
Should I vote in this election?
Yes. You have been given the right and opportunity to vote–use it.
Why is there a Bible-based course and a Community course?
We want everybody to live LRK. Some people in our community subscribe to Christian principles and others don’t. We want to give all people tips and tools for living LRK. The Bible-Based Curriculum references Jesus and the Bible. We know not everyone is a fan of Jesus. That’s OK. We offer two tracks so all can be equipped. Feel free to watch both tracks–we think you’ll find both helpful.
Can I just walk-away from a conflict?
Prioritizing relationships and your mental health are important. If the conflict is going to cause relationships to break or your mental and emotional health to suffer, walk away. Politics is NOT a reason to break a close relationship.
How should we approach social media?
With caution. Social media is a platform for anonymous, disembodied, contemptuous conflict. For some, reducing or removing social media is a healthy choice. Under no circumstance does LRK and contemptuous, vitriolic communication coexist. So, do not engage in online contempt. If you MUST, reach out to us for help.
I have an opinion, can I tell others my opinion?
Yes. We encourage you to tell people your opinion but with a few ground rules.
- Do it in-person
- Approach the conversation with humility
- Ask questions and listen to gain understanding
- Establish common ground by acknowledging something you agree with or appreciate about their view
- Then provide your opinion. If you want more, check out our “Start Here” video from the LRK Course.
I can’t seem to shake contempt - what do I do?
You’re not alone. Remember that expressing contempt has negative mental, emotional and physical effects on you and the recipient. Combat contempt with Love, Respect and Kindness. Spend 30 seconds every day and think/meditate/pray a thought of Love, Respect and Kindness toward the source of your contempt.
Contempt will not coexist with LRK. LRK is a healthy and effective way to crowd-out contempt. Do the 30-day gratitude challenge–it’s a way to put your focus on the good in your life–to bring things into proper perspective.
How are my news sources affecting me?
Most of the far-right and far-left news sources use “us versus them” language. Which fuels fear. Fear leads to tribalism. Tribalism leads to the creation of enemies. When you have enemies contempt builds. There are multiple ways to approach news and social media consumption including:
- Turn off the news when it demonizes the other side
- Spend time understanding the other side
- Watch or listen to more middle-of-the-road outlets.